Information About
Local Elected Offices
Pennsylvania has 67 Counties and
is divided into election districts which are more commonly referred to as
precincts or polling location
There are approximately 9,000 precincts across the Commonwealth
Tioga County is a sixth-class county
Tioga County has 39 Municipalities: 10 Boroughs & 29 second-class Townships
Tioga County has 41 voting precincts
(2 polling locations are Lycoming County Residents in Tioga County School District)
Protecting Our Elections
The most critical Election Integrity contribution anyone can make is to become a Judge or Inspector of Elections. Each polling location has 1 Judge of Elections and 2 Inspector of Elections. You will be on the front-line, making sure your neighbors can exercise their Constitutional Rights freely and fairly. Consider giving up a few days a year to accept this role. Election workers are paid at a set rate approved by the Commissioners. The term is 4 years.
Now is the time to consider accepting this role! Find out more about running for office by clicking here. Also, check out the links below....
Deciding the Education of Our Children
Whether you have children in school or not, a school board director plays an important role in the decisions made that educate children and the spending of taxpayer dollars. If you are concerned about the direction of public education, you are needed to make a difference! School directors do not receive compensation for their role but it is rewarding and much needed. Consider volunteering your time a couple nights a month to become a school director! The term of office may be 4 or 2 years.
Now is the time to consider accepting this role! Find out more about running for office by clicking here. Also, check out the links below....​​
Responsible for collecting and reporting taxes paid throughout the year for property taxes that are billed in the spring. Not all municipalities have tax collectors. If there are no candidates, the county will process the taxes for the municipalities. If you are interested in running for this position, check out the links for more information. There are requirements needed to take on this position​
Compensation is set by the county & the municipality. The tax collector will receive payment from the county and the municipality. The county pays a flat rate per bill. The municipality members/supervisors may set the pay at a flat rate per bill or a percentage of the face value of the bill. Each municipality varies. The term of office is 4 years.
Now is the time to consider accepting this role! Find out more about running for office by clicking here. Also, check out the links below....
TOWNSHIP SUPERVISOR, BOROUGH MAYOR, COUNCIL MEMBER, AUDITORS There are 10 boroughs in Tioga County. Boroughs follow a borough code; they tend to have a Mayor system where the elected council holds the majority of the power and the Mayor is primarily responsible for oversite of law enforcement but can break a tie in council as well. There are 29 second class Townships in Tioga County. Townships function under the township code. Townships are the oldest and most decentralized form of Government in the US, with decision power in the hands of its supervisors. Township/Boro Auditors audit the municipality funds & set supervisor/council member pay. The term of office varies, it may be 2, 4 or 6 years. These positions are very important because they affect us directly as the members make decisions that affect our neighborhood.
Now is the time to consider accepting one of these roles! Find out more about running for office by clicking here. Also, check out the links below....
Magisterial District Court is the first level of judicial authority in Pennsylvania and is the court where most people experience the judicial system for the first time. Magisterial District Judges handle all traffic cases, other minor criminal cases and civil cases involving amounts up to $12,000. District Judges also set bail and conduct preliminary hearings in misdemeanor and felony criminal cases to determine if the cases should be dismissed or transferred to the Court of Common Pleas for further proceedings. There are three Magisterial District Judges located in offices throughout Tioga County. They are elected to six year terms and are employees of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
§ 65.2. Prothonotary.
A. The Prothonotary is an officer of the Superior Court who is charged with the clerical duties and responsibilities of the business of the Court. The duties and responsibilities of the Prothonotary include but are not limited to:
1. keeping the records and seal of the Court;
2. issuing, processing, and entering judgments and orders at the direction of the Court;
3. certifying copies from the records of the Court;
4. scheduling all hearings and arguments before the Court, preparing the calendar, and coordinating judicial schedules;
5. supervising the collection of all fees collected by the Court and ensuring the proper receipt and distribution of such fees; overseeing the preparation of the Court’s official record of proceedings, attesting to their accuracy, and providing for distribution;
6. promptly securing all records wherein appeals have been filed and, where provided by Rule of Appellate Procedure, dismissing an appeal for failure to comply with the Rules or Order of the Court;
7. prepare the daily judgment lists for the Reporter to post pursuant to O.P. 65.3.B; and
8. any other such duties as required by the Court.
B. Opinions filed with the Prothonotary are to be made available to the parties and the public promptly thereafter.
The pay is set by the Commissioners. The term is 4 years.
The office is responsible for elements of criminal court, civil court, county security, enforcement of Pennsylvania Motor Vehicle Code, Crimes Code, prisoner transport, license to carry concealed issuance and other enforcement function.
The pay is set by the Commissioners and reimbursed by the PCCD. The term is 4 years.
The Treasurer is the custodian of the County money. He or she collects real estate taxes, fees and receipts, and disburses all funds after authorization by the Commissioners. This department also issues licenses for hunting, fishing, dogs, and pistol permits only when used in conjunction with hunting and fishing. This office also issues licenses for small games of chance and bingo.
The pay is set by the Commissioners. The term is 4 years.​​
There are THREE Democrat Justices up for Retention this year: Christine Donohue, David Wecht, Kevin Dougherty. ***VOTE NO FOR ALL THREE*** There are seven Justices that hold a 10-year term. At the end of the 10- year term, the Justice can run for retention. This means, the ballot will have a question for voter's to decide if they want to vote yes or no to another 10-year term for each Justice. If they loose their retention race, a special election is held to replace them in the next odd year. The governor can appoint a replacement in the interim, but two-thirds of the Senate must approve the choice. Currently, there are 5 Democrat Justices and 2 Republican.
Ann Marie Wheatcraft (R) received the PA GOP endorsement
Matthew Wolford (R) received the PA GOP endorsement